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Equipo de escoliosis

The severity of scoliosis in children is determined by the size of the spinal curve and whether the child is still growing. While slight spinal curves usually don’t need treatment, moderate and severe curves require the care of a pediatric orthopedist to prevent difficulty breathing, pain, deformity and disability later in life.

A healthy spine has natural curves when viewed from the side – a slightly outward curve in the chest area and an inner curve in the small of the back. When viewed from the back, an S-shaped or C-shaped curve may be apparent in a child with moderate to severe scoliosis.

La mayoría de los niños y adolescentes diagnosticados con escoliosis podrá tener una vida activa. 

Your pediatric orthopedist measures the severity of a scoliosis curve by calculating the angle between the vertebra at the start of the curve and the vertebra at the end. The larger the angle, the more severe the scoliosis. Many mild cases of scoliosis don’t require treatment and your health care provider will monitor the condition.

Children who are still growing are at risk of any curve getting worse. Identifying a curve at the start of a child’s growth spurt – about age 10 – provides an opportunity for treatment while preventing the need for surgery later in life.

The fellowship-trained and board-certified pediatric orthopedists at Norton Children’s Orthopedics of Louisville, affiliated with the UofL School of Medicine, specialize in treating scoliosis in children whose bones and soft tissue are still growing.

Causes of Scoliosis in Children

Idiopathic scoliosis is the most common form and has no known cause This type affects children assigned female at birth more than males and tends to run in families. Hay tres grupos de edad para este tipo de escoliosis en niños:

  • Infantil: diagnosticada desde el nacimiento hasta los 3 años
  • Juvenil: Diagnosed between ages 3 to 9
  • Adolescente: The most common, diagnosed between ages 10 to 18

Neuromuscular scoliosis is the second-most common form of scoliosis in children. Se asocia a afecciones neuromusculares, como parálisis cerebral, distrofia muscular y espina bífida. Este tipo de escoliosis hace que la columna de un niño se parezca más a una “C”. It also will cause the spine to rotate or twist, pulling the ribs with it to make a curve.

Congenital scoliosis is present at birth and is a result of the vertebrae (bones) in the spine not forming the way they should. This may occur during a baby’s development and the bones may be missing, not separated appropriately or partially formed. 

Symptoms of Scoliosis in Children

  • Uneven shoulders
  • One shoulder blade that appears more prominent than the other
  • Uneven waist
  • One hip higher than the other
  • One side of the back more prominent when bending forward

Imágenes de dosis baja para niños con escoliosis

Los niños con escoliosis generalmente necesitan muchas radiografías para monitorear la progresión de la curva y hacer un seguimiento después del tratamiento. Norton Children’s Orthopedics of Louisville, uses an advanced imaging system called EOS Imaging to collect 2D and 3D images while exposing children to extremely low doses of radiation. Si se requiere cirugía, el sistema proporciona herramientas detalladas para planificar la operación, incluidos modelos 3D.

El sistema EOS Imaging emite entre un 50% y un 85% menos de radiación que los sistemas de radiografías tradicionales y una dosis un 95% menor que las tomografías computarizadas básicas. La función de microdosis reduce aún más la exposición a la radiación.

Con la ayuda de una subvención de $300,000 de la Norton Children’s Hospital Foundation, con el apoyo de la PACCAR Foundation, recientemente se instaló el sistema EOS Imaging en el Norton Healthcare Pavilion en el centro de Louisville, Kentucky.

Scoliosis Treatment

The Norton Children’s Orthopedics of Louisville team treats all types of scoliosis in children, from mild to severe. Children and their growing bodies are different and our treatment plans focus on what will help your child have the best outcome.There are three basic options for treatment for pediatric scoliosis: Observation, bracing or surgery. The severity of the curve and whether your child is still growing will determine which option your pediatric orthopedist recommends.

Norton Healthcare también trata la escoliosis en adultos

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