Revisiones de asientos de automóvil

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Norton Children’s Prevention & Wellness offers car seat checks year-round by certified car seat technicians. They can help you install a safety seat or check whether yours has been properly installed.

Child passenger safety technicians are available at several Norton Healthcare locations to help you feel confident about the car seat you are using. Techs are certified in conventional and special needs car seats and can help identify counterfeit car seats.

Make an appointment for a car seat check by calling (502) 629-7358 or filling out the form below.


Norton Children’s Medical Center

4910 Chamberlain Lane
Louisville, KY 40241


Norton Women’s and Children’s Hospital

4001 Dutchmans Ln.
Louisville, KY 40207

Norton Children’s Medical Center

4910 Chamberlain Lane
Louisville, KY 40241


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