Tienda de regalos del Norton Children’s Hospital

Llame para hacer un pedido o pase por la tienda

The Norton Children’s Hospital gift shop is ready to help you give something special to a patient. Our gift shop offers stuffed animals, balloons, books, games, candy and much more to brighten your loved one’s day and show how much you care for them.

Las ganancias de la tienda de regalos del Norton Children’s Hospital son a beneficio de la Norton Children’s Hospital Foundation.

Same-day Delivery to a Patient’s Room

Si llama a la tienda de regalos del Norton Children’s Hospital, puede tener la certeza de que está haciendo un pedido directamente con el hospital, en lugar de un servicio de entregas externo.



Animales de peluche

¡Y mucho más!

Para hacer un pedido para un paciente, llame al (502) 629-6120. Los pedidos se entregarán en la habitación del paciente en el mismo día.

Gift shop “grab and go” offers sandwiches and other snacks. You also can purchase meal vouchers in the gift shop that will allow you to choose a meal for yourself or a guest. The meal will be delivered to the child’s room during the child’s meal service.

Horario de la tienda de regalos del Norton Children’s Hospital

The gift shop is located in the lobby of Norton Children’s Hospital.

Lunes y viernes
De 9 a.m. a 5 p.m.

De 11 a.m. a 7 p.m.

De 1 p.m. a 6 p.m.

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